This paper puts forward a whole solution for CD-ROM database resource integration by the network mapping technology based on the current status of usage of CD-ROM database resource. 针对光盘数据库资源利用现状,提出一种基于网络映射技术的光盘数据库资源整合的整体解决方案。
Knowledge Mapping Analysis on the Research Status of Regional Innovation System 区域创新系统研究现状的知识图谱分析
A damage assessment model has been created based on BP neutral network, this model exactly demonstrate the un-linear mapping relationship between influencing factors and assessment results, it can reflect the current status of damaged concrete structures also. 建立了基于BP神经网络的结构损伤评估模型,该模型较准确地描述了结构损伤影响因素与评估结果间复杂的非线性映射关系,真实地反映了结构损伤的状况。
So, in this thesis, Qualitative Mapping of Attribute Theory is employed to solve the problem of Status Detection for Derrick. 在本文中,我们运用属性论中的定性映射方法来解决桥吊的状态监测问题。
It provides a rapid and simple means of mapping land degradation status. 这为土地退化调查与制图提供了一种简易方法。
This paper summarizes the recent progress on QTL mapping populations and methods, the status of QTL locating, QTL fine mapping and positional cloning, and QTL application in breeding. 本文从QTL的定位群体,定位方法,研究现状,精细定位与克隆,以及QTL利用等方面对作物数量性状基因的研究进行了综述。
Global and regional cover mapping from remote sensing data: status quo, strategies and trends 基于遥感数据的全球及区域土地覆盖制图&现状、战略和趋势
This paper discusses the synchronization between data steam and lcas package, and client signal mapping, analyzes how to process CRC field of control package, and the generating and carrying manner of the sink member status. 讨论了数据流和LCAS控制同步实现及客户信号的映射等问题,分析了宿端回送成员状态的产生及传送方式和控制包CRC域的处理过程。
The results of deep-layer apparent density mapping show a similar, but not the same, density distribution pattern as the shallow results, and indicate that the tectonics of shallow and deep crust are different, they may be in a status of incomplete coupling. 深部重力异常的密度填图显示出与浅部相似而又不同的密度分布特征,表明川滇地区浅部与深部构造作用有所不同,两者之间可能是不完全解耦关系。
Therefore, in strategic exploring for large and superlarge deposits, it may bea feasible tool with high efficiency and low cost to combine NASSD with the wide-spaced geo-chemical mapping. ( 2) study on both existing status of elements and geochemical properties of elements; 因此,在对大型、超大型矿床进行战略性探查方面,将NASSD技术与极低密度地球化学填图相结合,可能是一条高效率、低成本的可行途径。
A mapping from emotional status to facial expression is trained with a face database. 借助于一个人脸表情图像数据库,可以训练出从情感状态到表情图像的映射,这里称作情感函数。
Combining the surveying and mapping technique current status of coastal map and special data type and data format, coastal map data management and compilation prototype system is devised. 结合海岸带图测绘技术现状和数据类型、格式的特殊性,设计了海岸带图数据管理与编辑原型系统。
IP Storage is a new network storage technology. By mapping the SCSI protocol to the TCP protocol, IP Storage enables SCSI commands, data and status tobe transmitted on traditional IP networks, supporting block level I/ O access and data shared storage. IP存储是一种新的网络存储技术,它将SCSI协议映射到TCP/IP协议上,使得SCSI的命令、数据和状态可以在传统的IP网上传输,支持数据块形式的I/O访问和共享存储。
We use scientific knowledge mapping to explore the status of institutions 'cooperation relationship in the field of organizational change, making the results more direct and objective. 采用科学知识图谱方法对变革领域研究机构的合作状况进行分析,使得研究结果更加直接、客观。
Land resources information management and mapping the backward status of the production of advanced technology very uncoordinated, seriously restricting the development of land and resources management. 国土资源信息管理落后的现状与测绘生产的先进技术极不协调,严重制约着国土资源管理的发展。
It serves for regnant class. Although influenced by western science, absorbed some advanced mapping technique, the status of character in the whole chorography has not been reduced and the statement of character to map has also not been weakened. 即使在西学影响下,吸收了某些先进的测绘技术,都丝毫没有降低文字在整个方志中的地位,没有减弱文字对地图的说明。
Through the oil analysis, including filtergram and spectral analysis, the qualitative mapping relationship between cylinder of surface treatment and its running status is analyzed according to the fuselage vibration signal and the oil information. 通过滤膜片试验和光谱试验分析油液信息,利用所获得的机身振动信号和油液信息,定性分析缸套表面形貌与其运行状态的对应关系,并对不同运行模式下缸套的性能进行比较。
From the point of machine learning, power system transient stability assessment is a kind of Pattern Recognition. Namely some mapping relation exists between transient stability and some features describing system operation status. 机器学习的观点认为电力系统暂态稳定评估是模式识别问题,系统暂态稳定性和某些描述系统运行状态的特征量之间具有某种映射关系。
First of all, the Semantic Web and ontology mapping methods were introduced. Then the development of semantic web and some of the status about ontology mapping were analyzed. 本文主要围绕本体映射问题,首先对语义网和本体映射的相关概念和方法进行了介绍,分析了目前语义网的发展和关于本体映射的一些现状。
It is an inevitable problem in the process of economic development, relating to the vital interests of the people and mapping the structure and status of the income distribution. 它关系着人民的切身利益,同时也映射着收入分配的结构和状态,是经济发展过程中必然出现的问题。